Thursday, August 9, 2007

And lastly: I was on, but for some reason, I didn't post on it, either. I wasn't crazy about this one. Most of these sites seem like just useless talking (blogging). Just WHO is out there with nothing to do!
I know I was on library thing but I can't find a post about it, so here I am. Again! Harry Potter seems to be #1 for cataloging.
This post is a little late, but I was doing my tracking log and needed a couple posts. I was looking up other library web blogs and found some from all over the world. We sure are busy people!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Finally!!! Thing 23!!!!!! So very glad to be done. As I stated in a previous blog, it took longer than indicated to do each "thing". Overall, it was an enjoyable experience but time needs to be built into everyone's workday to do these "things". It definately took longer than 15 minutes for each thing! I really can't imagine helping the public with this stuff, but if asked, I WILL know what they are talking about. It was a good way to learn. I will try but will probably not do a very good job of keeping up with the blog. I wonder how long it will be available to me before I lose it? I'm looking forward to using my new iPod. But for now, my public awaits and I'm getting back to the desk!
I liked the idea of netlibrary but wasn't sure how to get into it. I found a site in a travel magazine: that offers FREE books, short stories, and poems to download to an iPod. I want to try this for when I go on vacation. I may have to turn to the powers above: Jason, Jennifer and Lisa, for help with this. The site is supposed to have both adult and childrens titles. All the titles are in the public domain and are read by volunteers so there's no copyright infringement. This is how I hope to use my new iPod. (All my favorite music is on 45 and LP's!!!)
Thing #21:

Done! Done! Done! Podcasts, like You Tube, was fairly easy. I had a pretty good idea about whey it was but I was sure once I started surfing through. Now, on to #22!!!
I loved this video because it seemed like something I would want to do with all my books sometime! Also, what librarian has time to play like this in the library!?!
Thanks to Nancy, I was able to post a You Tube to my blog! Another successful thing done! I do love You Tube. I could play all day on it!

library dominoes

Friday, August 3, 2007

Thing 19:

So far this has been one of my favorite things. BUT............ several of the award winning sites I tried to get on would not let me on due to a filter block Just what is on these sites! I tried to play a couple of the games, but couldn't figure out how to start them. The one google game, I was a total loss at it. But at least I am now done another week. I hope to finish this on Monday because the next week I am on vacation and I really don't want to have to have this hanging over my head to do when I come back! 15 minutes my aunt fanny!!
Re: #18 Web-Based applications

I prefer word and will continue to use word and office as long as it is available. I don't like putting my word documents on the web. They are usually for my eyes only! I don't know why you would need to post to your blog another way. If and when I can find my blog, I just use that access to post. To me it is much simpler and more direct. Although it can be more difficult to correct a mistake in your blog once posted. But I know from experience that it can be done. I keep moving along, but I really haven't been impressed with any of the 23 things so far!
OK, so now I'm done week 7 (YAY!) On to week 8. Hope it gets better as I go!
Regarding the PB wiki: First, what a stupid name for the thing! Second: my computer would not allow me to view any of the videos. Third: I cannot see myself using any of this stuff on the job. The only thing the public seems interested in is their e-mail and chat lines! One couple got after me the other day just because the computers weren't working! Then one guy kept asking ME what HIS password was to get on to a dating site! I wanted to say "Try 'moron'!". but I kept my cool and patiently told him that was his business and we had no control of that!
I think where a wiki might work good in a library is for book clubs and for posting what you liked or didn't like in a book. Suggestions for others of what to read and even for computer web sites that you found are really good or those to avoid. A wiki could be posted on all the public computers for this, and the staff could access it from theirs.
On to Wiki's! I DO NOT like WIKI's! Especially Wikipedia! How reliable is a source that anyone can put anything on! Nice to know what they actually are, tho, and how they work. At least I'm finally moving on.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

HELP! I've lost my RSS feed blog! I know I put it in my favorites, but I can't find it anywhere! Now I'll have to figure all that out again! I don't know if it's worth it for an IPOD that I won't know how to use either!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I know, she looks just like me! Thanks to Jennifer, I got this done! When I created her, I had her flying through the fireworks, but I had to take that off because there was a charge for that. Oh, well.... I'm off to week 6 now!

Monday, July 23, 2007

I think I'm finally finished week 5 and I just get more and more confused each week! Is it just me or does the rollyo seem just like the rss feed? I am still searching for an avatar. But I'm trying to just learn and move along without putting it too much to the test, because like I said a lot of it just seem like greek to me! My head feel like it's going to explode with all this new information!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Like my new picture? That's how I feel about the computer sometimes!
Just got through week 4 and did the RSS feeds. I have it in my favorites, too, so I don't lose it all the time! It makes life pretty simple when you're a news hound. You can get you fix all at once! Guess I'll be moving on to week 5 now. Glad to be finally catching up!
It's been a while since I've posted. This wheelie girl has really been on wheels traveling from branch to branch. But I am loving my new job and workmates! I think I have finally settled in and am back in the process of 23 things again. Now maybe I can get caught up! I'm starting with week 3 and hope to be through week 5 in a couple days!

Today was Hallmark ornament opening day and I was the first one in the store at 9 this morning to get my 2007 ornaments! Now I have to wait till October to get the rest!

Gotta get my wheels in gear with 23 things now!

Monday, July 2, 2007

This is my post for blogging about technology! Actually I think all of my posts have been about technology. I am getting more confused all the time. This flickr really has me spinning. I hope I have went through week 3 correctly and have finished it. So now I am more technically confused and am moving on to week 4!
Now it's week 5 and I'm STILL trying to catch up on week 3! Sorry, Jennifer, I'm trying my best! It's tough to get things done when you're on the road all the time. Just when I get set up with my computer, it's time to go again. Maybe I'll do better after this week. This is my last week on the road.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What do you mean we're now in week 4 ? What happened to week 3? I didn't have time to do week 3. I have a lot of catching up to do now! I guess it's just too much time on the wheels!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Guess I really will be a Wheelie Girl now what with traveling between 3 branches. But what fun. Just like a new job every day! Now if I could only find the time to continue the 23 things. It's the middle of week 3 and I have yet to get to thing 5!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Well, here we go with week 3. Wonder what new challenges I'll master this week! I have seen some wonderful blogs out there. It's fun trying to figure out who's who.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I think I'm finally getting the hang of this Blog thing! I'm trying to keep progress of the 23 things and am anxious to move on to the next thing. I'll keep updating my blog and maybe I'll be able to get pictures in it.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Week 2, Thing 3

This blog thing is confusing to me because I don't know what is the difference between the Blog Post Permalink URL and the Your Blog URL address. Are they both the same? I had to name the blog and then name me so I chose similar names. It was easy to make the blog and easy to post to it. I'm still not sure how to find other blogs. If anyone out there is reading mine, please let me know!

On the road again

Yep! Just can't wait to get on the road again! Finally made it to week 2. Can't wait to see what's ahead. Hope I can find and understand everyone else's blogs!